Project & Programme Assessment Criteria
Know More About Our Project & Program Assessment
The Gift Support Network has a policy for assessing and selecting projects and the trustees’ grant making policy includes specific requirements for each type of organisation they may consider and criteria that all must meet. In the event that the trustees wished to consider making a grant to an organisation that isn’t a charity, they are aware of and would comply with the Charity Commission’s guidance on doing so. Gift Support Network defines financial hardship as not having access to the basic necessities of life which the majority of the people would regard as necessary for a modest, but adequate, standard of living. For example, clean water, adequate food, shelter and clothing, and access to basic school education and health services. In the UK, this typically means households living on less than 60% of median income who go short in some unacceptable way, whether or not they are eligible for state benefits.
At Gift Support Network, we see social exclusion as those in need, because of not having equal access to the opportunities and services that allow people to lead a decent, happy life, typically as a consequence of financial need or the fact of belonging to a minority social group, such as the disabled, BAME or LGBTQI+ communities. Our trustees and volunteers are all actively involved in the charity’s activities, receive on-going informal feedback and conduct surveys to inform their decision making and role implementations. Gift Support Network will work in areas of deprivation where financial need is largely endemic and many are socially excluded. Many of our beneficiaries are likely to be referred via statutory providers and other charities, who have relevant expertise and know their clients well. Our services are largely only of value for those in need and our grant making has specific checks and controls in our grant making policy. The input of other expert organisations will be very valuable but decision making will remain the remit of the trustees at all times.